Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here is the link again:

John Freed

from my presentation to Walnut Creek adjuncts

Dear Group,

I posted the linked hand-out material from my faculty development presentation on Saturday to the Walnut Creek adjuncts on my blog. Here it is -- Hand-out material.

John Freed

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Proposed Schedule for 8-week Calendar 2010-2011

Many faculty members have expressed concern over having no break between terms if we go with an 8-week accelerated model. Completing final grading for one term as you are beginning a new term could be very stressful. Since the typical fall and spring semesters are busier for both instructors and students, a fall, winter, and spring break would seem more reasonable. Plus, most instructors will take off for at least one and possibly two summer terms - thus having a break. So - here's another possible term mockup allowing for fall, winter, and spring breaks. Any comments?

Proposed Calendar for 2010-2011 for Eight Week Terms

Fall 1 – August 23-October 16, 2010
Fall break – October 17-24, 2010
Fall 2 – October 25-December 18, 2010
Winter Break – December 19-January 2, 2011
Spring 1 – January 3-February 26, 2011
Spring break – February 27- March 6, 2011
Spring 2 – March 7 – April 30, 2011
Summer 1 – May 2 – June 25, 2011
Summer 2 - June 27 – August 20, 2011
Faculty take 1-2 summer terms off from teaching to assure breaks.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Purpose of this blog?

I'm wondering if this blog is a place to share our thoughts? It seems like a great resource tool, but I'm wondering where is the discussion?

Jan: Originally, this blog was just for the new blended committee for 2008-2009. We also have a working wiki for the committee. See the history for last year's blog/wiki. The intent of this blog was to explore research on blended learning. We expanded the conversation to include accelerated learning models from other universities - particularly those with 8-week terms. We were encouraged to open up the forum to all faculty so that we could invite comments from everyone. It's not an ideal discussion forum as is - but we can discuss opening up typical threaded discussion in Blackboard if that's a request. I'll bring it up at our meeting today.

Most people are just using the add comments option. But - you managed to add a section. Can you explain how you did that? Is that because you used a gmail name/password? Everyone is supposed to have "author" access. I think if you sign in you can add comments and post new blog entries. I did create a wiki and another blog that allows for "equal authoring" with one common username/password for all cucfaculty. I didn't add all the resources on that blog - but if people want to talk more privately - I could open that up to whoever wants a more private faculty conversation.
Carla Piper

Coming Soon! - We will be posting a discussion in Blackboard as well. More info to come. cp

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Universities with Accelerated 8-Week Terms

Post Links to Universities using 8-week terms here.

Accelerated Learning Models

just a note....As Chapman University College considers an 8-week term along with blended learning, faculty may be interested in sharing the pros and cons of such a schedule. The blended teaching committee has begun to look at other university models for 8-week term scheduling. I'll post what we find here and we'll try to look at some visuals as think of the possibilities.
Email me if you have trouble posting comments -

CAEL - The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
CAEL on Accelerated Programs
CAEL - Adult-Centered Implementation

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Websites, Blogs, and Wikis About Blended Learning




Research and Resource Articles

Course Redesign Ideas for Blended Model

Useful Websites with Course Redesign Ideas

Community of Inquiry

Blended Learning in Higher Education: Frameworks, Principles, and Guidelines

Garrison & Vaughan (2007

Social Presence

  • Open communication - enabling risk-free expression
  • Group cohesion - encouraging collaboration
  • Affective/personal – expressing emotions, camaraderie

Cognitive Presence

  • Triggering event - having sense of puzzlement
  • Exploration - exchanging information
  • Integration - connecting ideas
  • Resolution - applying new ideas

Teaching Presence

  • Design and organization - setting curriculum and methods
  • Facilitation of discourse - sharing personal meaning
  • Direct instruction - focusing discussion

Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning

Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning - U of Colorado, Denver

Article to be published -

  1. Learning is a process whereby knowledge is created through experience
  2. Experiences are a transformational process
  3. Students actively construct their experience within a sociocultural context
  4. Provides a framework for designing active, collaborative, and interactive learning experiences.
Phases of Kolb's Model Mapped to Instructional Activities and eLearning Tools

Concrete experiences

  • Emphasizes personal involvement with people in everyday situations
  • Learner relies more on feelings than a systematic approach to problems and situations
  • In a learning situation, learner relies on the ability to be open minded and adapt to change

Reflective observation

  • Learner understands ideas and situations from different points of view
  • Learner relies on own thoughts and feelings in forming opinions
  • In a learning situation, learner relies on patience, objectivity and careful judgment but would not necessarily take any action.
Abstract conceptualization

  • Learning involves logic and ideas rather than feelings to understand problems or situations
  • Learner relies on systematic planning, develops theories and ideas to solve problems.

Active experimentation

Fall Faculty Presentation - 2008

Maria Cesario, Carla Piper, and Ruth Black presented an overview of the work of the blended teaching and learning committee on Thursday, September 11th. The results of the faculty/instructor survey conducted in late August-September 3rd indicated that a large number of instructors were using Blackboard as technology enhancement and some instructors were structuring their classes on a blended model.


Members of the Chapman University College faculty have been working on using learning management systems for technology enhancement since 2000. The Electronic Instruction Task Force met in Orange and many of the main campus and academic centers attended meetings and Blackboard trainings. The Education division developed guidelines for hybrids in 2005 and many instructors across all disciplines experimented with hybrid models for course delivery. When we began developing fully online courses, we moved to eCollege. Many of our faculty members and instructors attended eCollege trainings across California and Washington. In 2006-2007, a number of faculty members participated in pilot study using the hybrid model in eCompanion. Each participant reported generally positive responses to the faculty in spring of 2007.

In 2007-2008, a hybrid committee was formed to examine the research supporting hybrid or blended models of teaching and learning. Committee members read books and articles, attended conferences, and gathered information regarding universities who were incorporated hybrid or blended learning. The committee determined that "blended" was the term of choice for most universities and researchers.

Review of Committee Activites (2007-2008)

Draft of Hybrid Committee Mission

"The mission of Chapman University College blended teaching is to integrate innovative technology with adult learning pedagogy to facilitate critical and analytical thinking with experiential and problem-based learning.”

Draft of Original Guiding Principles for Committee

Blog Resource -

  • Pedagogically driven rather than technologically or logisitically (seat-time) driven
  • Student centered - students are active learners constructing own knowledge (learner autonomy, self-directed choices, reflection)
  • Instructor is an active facilitator
  • Socially constructed with interaction between students and instructor - both f2f and online
  • Instructor will participate in the discussions on a regular basis, so that student's do not feel "lost in cyber space"
  • Administration will provide training to instructors to keep abreast of the latest technological advances in blended learning
  • "Imagining and creating digitally mediated environments for the kinds of lives that we want to lead and the sorts of communities that we will want to have.” Mitchell (1999) from Carla's The Future of Higher Education blog page date 1/26/08]
  • Problem-solving experiential learning, problem-based
  • University continued support for students and instructors - university infrastructure