Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Members of the Chapman University College faculty have been working on using learning management systems for technology enhancement since 2000. The Electronic Instruction Task Force met in Orange and many of the main campus and academic centers attended meetings and Blackboard trainings. The Education division developed guidelines for hybrids in 2005 and many instructors across all disciplines experimented with hybrid models for course delivery. When we began developing fully online courses, we moved to eCollege. Many of our faculty members and instructors attended eCollege trainings across California and Washington. In 2006-2007, a number of faculty members participated in pilot study using the hybrid model in eCompanion. Each participant reported generally positive responses to the faculty in spring of 2007.

In 2007-2008, a hybrid committee was formed to examine the research supporting hybrid or blended models of teaching and learning. Committee members read books and articles, attended conferences, and gathered information regarding universities who were incorporated hybrid or blended learning. The committee determined that "blended" was the term of choice for most universities and researchers.

Review of Committee Activites (2007-2008)

Draft of Hybrid Committee Mission

"The mission of Chapman University College blended teaching is to integrate innovative technology with adult learning pedagogy to facilitate critical and analytical thinking with experiential and problem-based learning.”

Draft of Original Guiding Principles for Committee

Blog Resource -

  • Pedagogically driven rather than technologically or logisitically (seat-time) driven
  • Student centered - students are active learners constructing own knowledge (learner autonomy, self-directed choices, reflection)
  • Instructor is an active facilitator
  • Socially constructed with interaction between students and instructor - both f2f and online
  • Instructor will participate in the discussions on a regular basis, so that student's do not feel "lost in cyber space"
  • Administration will provide training to instructors to keep abreast of the latest technological advances in blended learning
  • "Imagining and creating digitally mediated environments for the kinds of lives that we want to lead and the sorts of communities that we will want to have.” Mitchell (1999) from Carla's The Future of Higher Education blog page date 1/26/08]
  • Problem-solving experiential learning, problem-based
  • University continued support for students and instructors - university infrastructure

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